Penile health rarely makes it into regular health tips columns, in great contrast to vaginal health. Both are however intertwined in matters of sexual and reproductive health. It should be men’s business to be keenly aware of their penile health.
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What do you do when a midlife crisis turns into depression?What's a midlife crisis? It's the stuff of jokes and stereotypes -- the time in life when you do outrageous, impractical things like quit a job impulsively, buy a red sports car, or dump your spouse.
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Let’s look at your doctor’s position. Doctors have a job to do, and an obligation to be at their best when anybody’s life is at stake. Many will desist from creating too much fuss about it, and shun any attempts for undue recognition. This is more so if you encounter them in an informal gathering.
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Substance abuse during pregnancy is more prevalent than commonly realized, with up to 1 in 4 of gravidas using illicit drugs. In fact, substance abuse may be more common among women of reproductive age than among the general population.
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Most women have a regular menstrual cycle. This means they can predict fairly accurately when the next period is expected. Some will have irregular periods for various reasons. Still, regular periods could change into an irregular pattern, causing a bit of anxiety. Regular periods imply regular ovulation, and high chances of conception. Irregular periods on the other hand imply unpredictable ovulation patterns
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