Who’s got the power? Transforming health systems for women and children in Africa!
May 28, 2015
Avoiding misplaced OBGYN consultations
June 3, 2015

A cheer for graduating obgyn residents

In next few days the University of Nairobi, School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology will be assessing and releasing over 15 doctors who have specialized on Obstetrics-Gynecology (OBGYN)


I am privileged and humbled to be part of the team that has been training them over the last 4 years. We are proud of the high caliber of residents we have in our training program and strive to support individual talents and career goals, with a substantial percentage of residents successfully matching in highly competitive fellowship positions.

At the end of the residency training program, our physicians have proven themselves to be fully qualified practicing obstetrician-gynecologists and capable leaders in women's health care.Obstetrician-gynecologists (OBGYNs) work in the area of women's reproductive health and help patients with issues such as family planning, the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and childbirth.

They administer Pap tests for cancer of the cervix and mammograms and help patients deal with complications that include fibroid tumors, infertility, preterm labor, and caesarean births.- Saving Lives at birth!

Here is an inspiring thought from one of the candidates!

Today, it becomes easy to say, “I own this.” I achieved this. It is mine. Residency, the hospital, the world. I conquered it. But in reality it is residency itself, that metaphorical beast I struggled with for so long, that is releasing me from her firm grasp. Letting me go out into the world, setting me free. Hopefully no more 24 hour non-stop labour ward calls, popularly known as “K24 shift”

I do not own this. It is, rather, a shared experience. Thousands of doctors have come before me, have traveled their paths to becoming a healer. Thousands of doctors will come after me. The constant observers are time and nature; they watch us, over hundreds of years, coming and going and proclaiming along the way. Our stories all weave together into a tapestry of memories. And so it goes.

No longer is there a seemingly insurmountable goal looming over me, pressing weight into my shoulders, taunting me, burdening me. I am here, today. For once, without expectations or concerns. Ready to stretch my mind, ready to reconsider, ready to ask a million questions, ready to dance, ready to break free from the bounds of a pre-determined road and to embark on a new path, something entirely my own.And so,here goes…… WISHING YOU ALL SUCCESS!

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