The number of elderly people in Kenya is expected to double by 2050. We’ll increasingly be caring for the elderly, or geriatrics in medical terms. You shouldn’t get surprised if you find yourself bearing the health responsibility of your own elderly folk, or getting to a geriatric age yourself and needing care.
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You already know the drill. You get sick, the doctor sees you, and you take home several pills to swallow many times a day, for days on end. If you are lucky, it may be one or two tablets daily for only a handful of days. If you are unlucky, or already contending with a chronic condition, it’s likely to be several pills a day over a life time.
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I constantly get confidential electronic consults from adolescents when they find themselves faced with unexpected health issues. The range of enquiries is varied, with trivial concerns at times, but very serious health matters at certain points. Each encounter usually ends up with specific advice,
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Nightlife describes the availability of entertainment that spans from the late evening to the early hours of the next day. Such entertainment is typically found in bars, pubs, nightclubs, cinemas, parties, music concerts and plenty of other make-do venues. Those of us who prefer to be out late in the night have been aptly described as night owls. You don’t need to search very far to find a nightlife spot near you that can cater for many of your nocturnal inclinations.
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First, improve investment in staffing in terms of adequate numbers, skilled staff and retention. The government also needs to ensure ready availability of all commodities needed to do our jobs satisfactorily – this includes medication and equipment.It is also important to improve and maintain infrastructure in health facilities
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