In days gone by, the interaction between doctors and patients was very different from the way you know it today. There was an almost condescendingattitude in the way doctors treated patients. Your doctor knew best, and gave you medical orders, no questions asked. You were duty-bound to follow such orders, the alternative was almost untenable.The ongoing realization of such misplaced pomposity has paved the way for better attitudes among doctors.
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The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. This definition has not been amended since 1948, but the state of health of Nairobians has gone through immense changes over the years. Physical health is the easiest to appreciate, presenting in all manner of appearances. One only needs to wander into the city streets to get a good impression of the ungodly state of our health. Obesity is on the rise and spans all socio-economic groups, not just the upper income group.
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Do you remember days when medical care was shrouded in mystery? You wouldn’t really have gotten enough information about your diagnosis, leave alone details about your own treatment. What about medical notes? These were always confidential, even to you, and this still remains the case in many healthcare facilities. Why should it be that way? Medical notes are all about you, you have a right to your own records.
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Quackery is defined as false pretense to medical skill, knowledge or qualification. Quacks are all over the place, promoting unsubstantiated medical interventions that lack a scientifically plausible rationale. A quack may however be scientific in some aspects. They may even front products and procedures that can be useful for some purposes, but completely worthless in other respects. You need to be wary of quacks, their drive has more to do with profit than your health.
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Not a single medical intervention is entirely risk free. It doesn’t matter whether it’s swallowing some pills, or having a minor surgical procedure done. There is always a chance that something could go wrong. Medical interventions are an interplay between benefits and harms. Luckily, the majority don’t come into real harm. But a few may end up with permanent unintended effects, or even death.
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