Anyone who has ever traveled by air will be familiar with all the safety measures mandated by the airline industry. What gets demonstrated by the crew as safety procedures while aboard is only the tip of the iceberg. There is much more that the ordinary passenger never gets to be aware of. The modern aircraft has mind-boggling inbuilt safety processes, with monitoring of all conceivable eventualities and automation of remedial measures. Some have argued that the weakest link for airline safety is not the machine itself, but the human.
Read more ..... Patients and doctors tend to maintain a cordial professional relationship most times. And that’s how it should be. Sobriety is required when discussing what ails you, and what treatment options may be appropriate. But every so often, your doctor’s recommendations might be in direct conflict from your own expectations. What happens then?
Read more ..... Unwanted pregnancy loss, commonly referred to as miscarriage, is quite devastating. Couples go through distressing emotions after a miscarriage, often craving for another pregnancy as part of the healing process.
Read more ..... In many cultures, childless women suffer discrimination, stigma and ostracism. For example, Ann, my client was banned from attending her father-in-law’s funeral.
Read more ..... Natural family planning is a form of birth control that is based on the avoidance of sex during a woman’s fertile days. It is based on a good understanding of the menstrual cycle. You need to realize from the outset that natural family planning is not as effective as most other methods of contraception. About one in every four women who use natural contraception may end up with unwanted pregnancies.
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