This is your biological capability to bear children. Fertility potential varies with age, and declines rapidly from the mid-30s, both in women and men, but especially so in women. Various factors can interfere with the capability to bear children.
Read more ..... Almost every woman, and some men, will have reasons to seek for Gynecological care at some point. It’s important that the correct care gets offered, in a good facility and by the most competent Gynecologist.
Read more ..... Modern treatment of HIV means that those affected can anticipate a normal life expectancy. Young couples with HIV however have unique reproductive challenges. There are concerns about disease transmission to the uninfected partner, or to the unborn child. There are other concerns about the effect of HIV and its treatment on reproduction capacity. These matters raise a lot of anxiety when those affected with HIV start contemplating conception.
Read more ..... There’s always been an unhealthy balance in addressing male fertility as compared to female fertility. Ideally the approach should be combined, meaning that a couple’s fertility concerns should be addressed with each of the partners being present at the same sitting. There are all sorts of reasons as to why the balance of fertility attention still remains disproportionate between men and women.
Read more ..... Menopause signifies the end of natural reproductive potential, but not the end of sexual activities. The inevitable hormonal changes in the menopause have consequential effects on the functioning of the genital system. Women and their partners will thus experience new changes in sexual function, which may sometimes interfere with sexual enjoyment and satisfaction.
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