Have you ever been admitted into a hospital? How long did you stay? Did you sit back to consider if the length of stay was justified? Most people dutifully occupy hospital beds for as long as advised by their clinicians. But it is increasingly recognized that prolonged hospital stays are never good for anyone. Ironically, empty hospital beds aren’t ever any good for the health facilities’ bottom lines.
Read more ..... Bleeding after sexual intercourse is unusual. For the majority, it is usually an innocent symptom with no serious underlying illness. However, it’s prudent to get checked out if you ever experience any bleeding with sex.
Read more ..... Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a fairly common condition. The main symptoms include irregular or absent menstrual periods, reduced fertility, acne and abnormal hair distribution. Some women will be overweight and often struggle to maintain a normal weight. Others may get depressed due to changes in their body habitus.
Read more ..... Ultrasound imaging involves exposing part of the body to high frequency sound waves to produce pictures of the inside of the body. This is the same principle involved in the sonar used by bats, ships and fishermen. When a sound wave strikes an object, it echoes back. By measuring these echo waves it is possible to determine how far away the object is and its size, shape, and consistency.
Read more ..... Medical conditions come in various forms. Some are acute and transient, while others are either recurrent or chronic. Most acute and transient conditions, like mild respiratory infections for example, only require accurate diagnosis and specific treatment. Then a cure is achieved. But some conditions will either keep recurring, or will be chronic. That means longterm control is required, otherwise the disease may become overwhelming, or even turn out fatal.
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