It may help to start the conversation by explaining the normal pubertal changes. By now, she must have gone through several physical changes that include breast development. The onset of monthly periods comes next in line. It signifies the maturation of reproductive organs, signaling the capability to reproduce.
Read more ..... The cost of healthcare is ever rising. Public healthcare funding is rather wanting, which inevitably necessitates supplementation of care within the private sector. It matters little where you primarily get your health care, you still end up forking out more cash. Your only way out is having a solid plan of managing healthcare costs efficiently.
Read more ..... Men’s health is in many ways linked to women’s health. While the life expectancy gap between men and women has decreased, it's no secret that men still need to pay more attention to their bodies. Several things work against men. They tend to smoke and drink more, and they don't seek medical help as often as women.
Read more ..... Labor and delivery is a predictable event, but many variables come into play. Obstetricians and Midwives are trained to recognise and intervene when the progress of labor veers from the expected pattern. The final point when the baby is about to be born is referred to as second stage of labor. It is usually a short period, lasting no longer than one to two hours, but Obstetricians may allow a longer interval depending on circumstances.
Read more ..... Almost all couples in advanced stages of tying the knot attend several sessions of pre-marital counselling. There are even pre-nuptial legal agreements tied to material possessions pre-dating the marriage for some. But how many engage in pre-marital health screening? This should be considered of equal importance to all other pre-marital rituals, and should never be missed.
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