Pregnancy is a natural phenomenon. About 80% of pregnancies are usually uncomplicated, while the other 20% may encounter serious problems requiring special attention. But there are so many aches and pains that arise during pregnancy, sometimes making it difficult for couples to decide when it is necessary to see their Obstetrician or midwife.
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Blood group typing in pregnancy is important for various reasons. Standard blood groups are A, B, AB or O. Each group is additionally labelled either positive (+) or negative (-), which denotes what is called Rhesus factor. The Rhesus factor is a marker on the red blood cells, and majority of people have this factor and are labelled Rhesus positive. However, about one in every ten people are Rhesus negative.
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Am sure you have your own reasons for wishing that your subsequent babies are all boys. It doesn’t seem like you are looking for a family balance, as you clearly want more boys. It may be you have some societal pressures to father boys. But sex selection purely for social reasons has ethical and demographic dilemmas, and is medically illegal in many jurisdictions.
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General health calculators are mostly linked to lifestyles. The commonly used ones are related to weight. You can calculate your body mass index (BMI for short), amount of calories burned during a work-out, or calories ingested with certain meals. You can also calculate how much of your body is actually fat, how much you need to eat daily to maintain health, how much alcohol gets into your blood during a drinking spell, or how much physical activity is needed to raise your heart rate to a certain level.
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You may well be aware of the recent scientific and social buzz about sleeping patterns and health effects. This is in fact not new, the relationship between sleep durations and health has been known for a long time.
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