Disease prevention is a strategy that aims to provide interventions that limit the chances of specific diseases ever occurring. Some gynecological problems can be prevented with lifestyle modifications or screening tests. Vaccines come in handy in disease prevention
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Procrastination is a long word, and possibly a more stylish way of saying later. It’s just postponing the inevitable, in disregard to an obvious need for being more proactive. Psychologists estimate that one in five adults have a problem with procrastination. The reasons for procrastination are varied. Alternate chores may be more pleasurable, or what you really need to act on may appear boring and time consuming.
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If you ever seek help from a healthcare provider, and have full confidence in their proficiency, you should always follow their advice. Unless an overriding situation arises and circumvents the initial orders.
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Sexual health is a broad topic, and goes beyond matters related to sexually transmitted infections (STIs). However, STIs form a special component of sexual health. Those afflicted with STIs can suffer grave reproductive health consequences, ranging from chronic pelvic pain to problems with fertility. It is in your interests to guard yourself against STIs, and to seek prompt treatment if you ever get infected.
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The number of elderly people in Kenya is expected to double by 2050. We’ll increasingly be caring for the elderly, or geriatrics in medical terms. You shouldn’t get surprised if you find yourself bearing the health responsibility of your own elderly folk, or getting to a geriatric age yourself and needing care.
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