It’s not uncommon for girls to experience abnormal bleeding patterns in their early reproductive years. Such bleeding patterns are due to the transitional immaturity of the reproductive system. Teenagers can find this distressing, as it can interfere with their schooling and other social activities. Luckily for most, it’s just a transient period in their reproductive life. Spontaneous resolution tends to be the norm.
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Vaginal infections are pretty common. They occur on both the vagina and the vulval area, hence the medical descriptive term vulvo-vaginitis or vulvo-vaginal infections (VVIs). Women and girls of all ages can be affected.
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If you have interacted with healthcare long enough, you probably have witnessed lots of frustrations over time. Some health facilities have bureaucratic processes that can drive you up the wall. Others are so disorganized that it’s a wonder patients still survive. Yet, others hardly have the slightest clue about complex diagnoses, sometimes taking you round in circles without ever getting to the bottom of what ails you. Is there ever an easy way out?
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The womb (uterus in medical terms) is a key organ that defines women and their reproductive potential. As soon as reproductive maturity is achieved, the uterus always keeps itself ready for carrying a pregnancy. It’s a dynamic organ that responds in a predictable manner to female hormones that are produced by the ovaries.
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Doctors have an ethical duty to maintain openness and honesty in all their interactions with patients. This is especially so when a medical error occurs. In medico-legal terms, honesty is referred to as ‘duty of candour’, and is considered as a cornerstone of medical practice. But duty of candour hasn’t always been enforced by law. However, in some jurisdictions, duty of candour has become a legal requirement both for health institutions and the healthcare professionals providing the service.
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