OBGYN stands for Obstetrician and Gynecologists, specialized in the care of women (and sometimes men) in matters of reproductive health. When women become unwell, there is an almost inevitable predilection to consult an OBGYN. This sometimes happens even when the apparent problem is very remote from reproductive health. Even though OBGYNs still retain general medical knowledge, their specialization means that they are best skilled to handle reproductive health issues.
Read more ..... I am privileged and humbled to be part of the team that has been training them over the last 4 years. We are proud of the high caliber of residents we have in our training program and strive to support individual talents and career goals, with a substantial percentage of residents successfully matching in highly competitive fellowship positions.
Read more ..... The African Union has declared 2015 the year of “Women’s empowerment”, and Development towards Africa’s Agenda 2063. So Will 2015 be a year of transformation for African women? 2015 marks the end of the Millennium Development Goals and the launch of the post-2015 development agenda. The report of the World Health Organization’s expert Commission argues that women’s health is the foundation for social and economic development in the African Region.
Read more ..... The sports bar is buzzing with the English Premier League crowd when Dr Ochieng’s mobile phone rings. It’s an investigation officer with the National Police Service, but before he can say more, Dr Ochieng is ready. Reaching for the change of clothing he always carries with him when he is on call, he swaps his open shoes for a pair of sturdy shoes, and travels to where a dead body awaits.
Read more ..... Cosmetic surgery is a thriving industry, mainly popularized by celebrities who constantly find reason to uplift their appearances. But it’s not just celebrities who drive the cosmetic health industry, the trade has caught up in our part of the world as well. Boob jobs, facelifts, penile lengthening and vaginal refreshing are all too commonly done in our setting. If you are unhappy with a part of your body, you need to think seriously before subjecting yourself to the knife in attempts to make things better.
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