Delayed conception isn’t an uncommon event. For most, it’s usually a transient phenomenon, with spontaneous conception occurring in the course of time. However, there should never be any hesitation to be evaluated, especially when the delay is more than one year. Older couples beyond the mid-thirties should be evaluated earlier, after around six months of trying to conceive.
Read more ..... I recently listened to a regrettable tale from a friend of another friend. One of their kin had been experiencing some unusual symptoms, and the diagnosis was elusive. She eventually ended up at the hands of surgeon who recommended surgery.
Read more ..... If a couple has fertility problems, it’s usually the women who initiate seeking help. This should not be the case as men’s contribution to infertility is estimated to be about 30%. Fertility problems in men are either to do with sperm production, or transport.
Read more ..... Boys need special formal talk on sexuality. Back in my days, I got all the lessons from my grandfather. Including the art of seduction! With hindsight, most of the lessons are much deeper than any books I have come across.
Read more ..... Sexual health causes concern in many men. Yet, many are not comfortable talking to their doctors about sexual problems. Others erroneously shift blame to their female partners, or find excuses to mask their problems all together.
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