Once a miscarriage has been diagnosed, a discussion needs to take place about how to manage the situation. It’s best to discuss with your regular gynecologist, or a nurse specialized in the management of early pregnancy problems.
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Any bleeding, at whatever stage in pregnancy, is never normal. True, very minimal bleeding or spotting tends to be innocent, and majority of pregnancies in such situations never come into any harm. Bleeding in amounts equivalent to a period, or heavier, usually signifies a more serious situation. But regardless of the amount of bleeding, a medical assessment is usually required.
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You are right in getting concerned about the lack of periods at your age. Periods will normally start between the ages of 11 and 13 years. It is however not unusual for some girls to start earlier, and others later. The age of 16 is regarded as the latest when periods should have started.
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With advancing age, there is a gradual decline in the female hormones which play a significant role in pelvic organ function. Thus prolapse symptoms are more common towards the menopause. Some women may have an inherent muscular weakness, though is rare. Lifestyle factors like obesity and smoking are also predisposing factors to pelvic prolapse.
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It’s not uncommon for girls to experience abnormal bleeding patterns in their early reproductive years. Such bleeding patterns are due to the transitional immaturity of the reproductive system. Teenagers can find this distressing, as it can interfere with their schooling and other social activities. Luckily for most, it’s just a transient period in their reproductive life. Spontaneous resolution tends to be the norm.
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