Ultrasound scans in pregnancy have become almost routine as part of antenatal care. Affordability and availability also continue to improve. Ultrasound scanning technology has evolved over time, and 2D imaging is slowly being overtaken by 3D and 4D imaging. Fetal images obtained with modern machines are so real that a blur now exists between scanning for medical reasons, and purely as a fad.
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OBGYN stands for Obstetrician and Gynecologists, specialized in the care of women (and sometimes men) in matters of reproductive health. When women become unwell, there is an almost inevitable predilection to consult an OBGYN. This sometimes happens even when the apparent problem is very remote from reproductive health. Even though OBGYNs still retain general medical knowledge, their specialization means that they are best skilled to handle reproductive health issues.
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Almost all couples in advanced stages of tying the knot attend several sessions of pre-marital counselling. There are even pre-nuptial legal agreements tied to material possessions pre-dating the marriage for some. But how many engage in pre-marital health screening? This should be considered of equal importance to all other pre-marital rituals, and should never be missed.
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Penile health rarely makes it into regular health tips columns, in great contrast to vaginal health. Both are however intertwined in matters of sexual and reproductive health. It should be men’s business to be keenly aware of their penile health..
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The Kenyan Constitution recognizes the right to health as a constitutional right for every Kenyan. And part of the mission statement of the Ministry of Health is to facilitate the provision of the highest standards of healthcare to all Kenyans.
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Web Resources

Knowledge for health

International Women's Day

Reproductive Health Library
