In most airports, passengers walk through metal detectors, which use a low-frequency electromagnetic field to look for weapons. Anything that generates or uses electricity, such as power lines or household appliances, produces an electromagnetic field. At the low levels a metal detector emits, this exposure is considered safe for everyone, including pregnant women. (The same holds true for the wands that security personnel sometimes pass over individual passengers.)
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Advances in communication technology have revolutionized health care delivery. Physical consultations are no longer absolutely necessary for many conditions, being replaced by virtual consultations. Virtual care allows women take charge of their own health, anytime anywhere.
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When pregnancy occurs, your body goes through various changes in order to accommodate the growing baby, leading to eventual birth. Virtually all your body functions make some adjustments. Some changes are hardly noticeable, while other changes will give you all kinds of symptoms. You are likely to get irritated by some symptoms, but most of them are just innocent and don’t usually require any specific actions.
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What can we do to help women resist the threat and the temptation of induction and wait for labor to begin on its own? Involvement of patients and consideration of their preferences in the treatment decision has been demanded for care options with unclear outcomes. However, the management of pregnancy at and beyond term has been a topic of debate worldwide within the medical and mid-wifery community for many decades.
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Vaginal discharge causes undue concern in many women and their partners. It is important to appreciate that the vagina is a dynamic organ that responds to changing hormones in the female reproductive cycle. Secretions arise from the vagina and cervix, and vary depending on circulating female hormones. The secretions serve an important housekeeping function that carries away dead cells and bacteria.
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