Lifespan, also referred to as longevity, is the duration of an individual’s existence. Human longevity has continued to increase over time. Factors that influence longevity include genetics, the environment, natural events, human activities, advances in medical care, and even our individual habits. Some of these factors aren’t within your control. But there are simple things you can do to positively influence a longer and healthier life.
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Once you make yourself a model for health, you readily qualify to be on the lookout for others. Your starting point can be whatever you want. You may choose an initial personalized approach to family and friends who are closest to you.
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I recently had an interesting conversation with some enthusiastic students interning in our office. They seemed to wonder why a single patient usually requires a team of medical professionals to address specific healthcare needs. In the students’ minds, a single doctor should suffice. But nothing could be further from medical reality. It’s long been accepted that medical teams, working in unison, collectively perform better than individual clinicians working in isolation.
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But why? Processed foods have high caloric content, but overall poor nutritional value. They contain high levels of salts and sugars, preservatives and additional additives to assure sustainable shelf-lives. There is often very little fibre content. Some additives and preservatives may be harmful in the long run. Little wonder then about linkage with chronic illnesses, and eventual contribution to additional mortality.
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Many women experience abnormally heavy periods at some point in their reproductive years. Sometimes it’s just transient and appears to ease off spontaneously. But some will experience recurrent heavy bleeding, which at times will interfere with overall quality of life. If that happens, a gynecological evaluation is usually necessary. A specific diagnosis must be established, and appropriate treatment instituted.
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