Medical conditions come in various forms. Some are acute and transient, while others are either recurrent or chronic. Most acute and transient conditions, like mild respiratory infections for example, only require accurate diagnosis and specific treatment. Then a cure is achieved. But some conditions will either keep recurring, or will be chronic. That means longterm control is required, otherwise the disease may become overwhelming, or even turn out fatal.
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How old a man is when he has children may affect the lifespans of his grandchildren, a new study suggests. Men in the study who were older when they had children tended to have kids and grandkids with longer telomeres — caps on the ends of chromosomes that protect the chromosomes from damage.
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There are two distinct ways of getting hold of medical drugs. One is what is commonly referred to as over-the –counter medications, or OTC for short. Over-the-counter basically means you make your way to a pharmacy or drug store, and just order the meds that you require. Most meds available OTC don’t usually require a doctor’s prescription. Such meds are made easily accessible for simple self-treatments that include aches and pains, minor accidents, etc. When you ask for an OTC med, you should always have some idea of what it is that you are trying to treat. And also know when to draw the line and get a formal doctor’s review.
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The cost of healthcare is ever rising. Public healthcare funding is rather wanting, which inevitably necessitates supplementation of care within the private sector. It matters little where you primarily get your health care, you still end up forking out more cash. Your only way out is having a solid plan of managing healthcare costs efficiently.
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General health calculators are mostly linked to lifestyles. The commonly used ones are related to weight. You can calculate your body mass index (BMI for short), amount of calories burned during a work-out, or calories ingested with certain meals. You can also calculate how much of your body is actually fat, how much you need to eat daily to maintain health, how much alcohol gets into your blood during a drinking spell, or how much physical activity is needed to raise your heart rate to a certain level.
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