Nairobians are personally responsible and accountable for their own health. Individuals can choose the most unhealthy habits and guarantee themselves a premature departure. Or live as healthily as possible. A summation of the city dwellers’ unhealthy habits tends to have a collective effect on all of us, thereby affecting everybody else’s health in the city.
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Health care is a 24/7 business. After all, illnesses don’t choose when to strike. It can be any day of the week, and any time of the day. Whenever you have been unwell, am sure you have just made your way to the doctor’s and expected optimal attention regardless of the time or day of the week. For most cases all goes well, and your doctor seems to always function at their best regardless of the timing of your arrival.
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It is not unusual that you sometimes find yourself in a poor state of health. It may not necessarily be as a result of any fault on your part. Disease will sometimes catch us unawares, but we must always be ready to mount an appropriate response. The immediate thing is to understand what is afflicting you. Is it of immediate threat to your life?
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Anyone who has ever traveled by air will be familiar with all the safety measures mandated by the airline industry. What gets demonstrated by the crew as safety procedures while aboard is only the tip of the iceberg. There is much more that the ordinary passenger never gets to be aware of. The modern aircraft has mind-boggling inbuilt safety processes, with monitoring of all conceivable eventualities and automation of remedial measures. Some have argued that the weakest link for airline safety is not the machine itself, but the human.
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Patients and doctors tend to maintain a cordial professional relationship most times. And that’s how it should be. Sobriety is required when discussing what ails you, and what treatment options may be appropriate. But every so often, your doctor’s recommendations might be in direct conflict from your own expectations. What happens then?
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