Do you want to see your doctor’s medical notes? Doctor, What right do you have to keep the patient out of the loop? Should Doctors Notes be open and available to the patient? We are fast entering the era of the electronic health record, when it will be possible to call up our medical records on our computers and mobile devices. Medication lists, lab results, and appointment schedules—they’ll all be available with clicks of your mouse or taps on the screen of your smartphone, iPad or tablet. An extension and expansion of e-health, e-medicine,-e-doctor and now e-patient!
Read more ..... Traditional Medicine/Complimentary Alternative medicine (TM/CAM) practices are often grouped into broad categories, such as natural products, mind and body medicine, and manipulative and body-based practices. Although these categories are not formally defined, they are useful for discussing TM/CAM practices.
Read more ..... Malaria in pregnancy can have devastating consequences for the mother and the unborn child. Clearly, effective interventions to prevent malaria in pregnancy have been woefully slow to translate into policy and practice, and there are many remaining gaps where research is urgently needed.
Read more ..... The global growth in the flow of patients and health professionals as well as medical technology, capital funding and regulatory regimes across national borders has given rise to new patterns of consumption and production of healthcare services over recent decades. A significant new element of a growing trade in healthcare has involved the movement of patients across borders in the pursuit of medical treatment and health; a phenomenon commonly termed “medical tourism”.
Read more ..... We're often tempted to overindulge during the holidays, then wish we could wave a magic wand to undo the damage. With our liver working overtime to inactivate alcohol and process rich, fatty foods, a potion to heal stressed-out liver cells might just do the trick. But before you stress out your holiday budget on expensive dietary supplements, consider the following facts
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