A passionate kiss often leads to one thing or another. Quite unexpected from the sensual feeling that comes with it, there may lay a ‘catch’; kissing, although sweet, can lead to infections.
Read more ..... While the pleasure of sex is one of the greatest feelings known to humankind, science now knows that there are many health benefits associated with regular sex. No matter your age, sex can improve your state of mind, reduce pain, improve your sense of self-worth among other health benefits,
Read more ..... Very frequently we are told that most cancer patents present late when the disease is too advanced to be cured. However, recently, I met a woman in her late 50's who had been undergoing routine annual medical checks including screening for cancer of the cervix using conventional methods and had a clean bill of health as recent as October 2015. But here she was now with advanced cancer of the cervix.
Read more ..... Adolescents are young people, spanning the ages of 10 to 24 years. This is an age where dynamic body changes take place, with the transition from childhood to adulthood.
Read more ..... Every so often, an experimental medical technique gets undue hyping prior to going through the rigor of scientific proof of benefit. Medical safety concerns usually arise fairly quickly if early converts get themselves into the mix of unproven therapies. But there is little medical regulators can do to stop do-it-yourself (DIY) enthusiasts when a new fad comes along.
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