Adolescence is the transition between childhood and adulthood. The age interval is between 10 to 24 years, spanning through puberty and teenage. It is one of the most dynamic stages of human growth and development, second only to infancy in the rate of developmental changes that take place.
Read more ..... In days gone by, hospital admissions for various reproductive health problems was the norm. But in the last few decades, women’s healthcare has changed so much that reasons for admitting women in hospitals are becoming less and less. Many problems can now be addressed in an outpatient setting, so called ambulatory or day care.Ambulatory care is consultation, treatment, or intervention using advanced medical technology delivered on an outpatient basis. The patient's stay at the health facility, from registration to discharge, occurs on a single calendar day
Read more ..... Delaying childbearing is now more common, with education and careers taking preference. Stable relationships appear to be increasingly difficult to establish as well, also contributing to delay in childbearing. The result of these changes is that more and more women start thinking about conceiving once they are already over the age of 30.A big positive is that older parents are more likely to be able to provide the financial needs required to raise a child.
Read more ..... We live in an age where personal choice is paramount, even for medical matters. But sometimes the balance of choice goes too far. It is fairly common nowadays for women to request medical interventions that have questionable scientific basis, and sometimes completely unnecessary.
Read more ..... It is said that early detection of a disease is key to its cure. 1. What is the importance of a woman to undergo health exams? Are they given the attention that is required? Being aware of general health and having regular health exams is a good habit. This provides an opportunity to detect some diseases that do not often present with bothersome symptoms, and take remedial measures pretty early. It is reasonable to combine general health exams at the same time as when women attend for the recommended screening tests. The general healthcare system in Kenya is wanting in terms of facilitating regular checks and screening, hence the vast majority of women will only present when a problem has already occurred.
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