In years gone by, doctors were instantly recognizable. Almost each one of them wore white coats and smart attire. Male doctors were inevitably clad with ties, long sleeves and well-polished leather shoes. And so too was the case with lady doctors, crisp business suits and well-healed formal footwear. Many would don a stethoscope round their necks, with some tagging a medical bag along.
Read more ..... Since the completion of sequencing of the human genome in 2001, advances in genetic technologies have led to identification of various gene variations that are associated with complex diseases. The consequent effect has been popularization of individual genetic testing in attempts to quantify future risks of certain diseases. But ample controversy still exists in scientific corridors about the usefulness of personalized genetic tests in a public health setting.
Read more ..... Cosmetic surgery is a thriving industry, mainly popularized by celebrities who constantly find reason to uplift their appearances. But it’s not just celebrities who drive the cosmetic health industry, the trade has caught up in our part of the world as well. Boob jobs, face-lifts, penile lengthening and vaginal refreshing are all too commonly done in our setting.
Read more ..... One of the arching goals of Vision 2030 is to make Kenya economically competitive on a global scale. Riding on this, the National Economic and Social Council envisioned a 24 hour economy, with a well-articulated process of implementation. Twenty-four hour economies aim to increase efficiency and productivity, and satisfy consumer demands. There is increased flexibility in working hours.Machinery and spaces are not left idle at night and weekends. And more workers are usually needed to fill in the 24 hour shifts, potentially increasing employment opportunities.
Read more ..... The involvement of medical approaches changes almost day by day. Whenever you visit your doctor, you’ll almost certainly get introduced to new approaches. Some are so simplistic you’d always wonder why it took so long to take them up. Others are complex and hi-tech, shaped by the current trend of incessant innovations.You might have heard of the practice of giving patients advance prescriptions, or maybe not.This is really not new. The practice has been around for ages, but mainly restricted to chronic conditions which require prolonged treatment. Getting a prescription that covers a chronic condition for say 3 months is not unheard of.
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