Most women in the reproductive age group are familiar with the term fibroid. Fibroids are ‘golf-ball’ like swellings commonly found within the body of the womb (uterus). They are fairly common, especially in African women. It is important to be aware that fibroids are not cancer, and can be left alone for the lifetime of the woman. The exact cause of fibroids is not known, though there appears to be a genetic link.
Read more ..... When it comes to good health, there are hardly any secrets. Some people appear to breeze through life without ever suffering major ailments, while others have trouble keeping their doctors away.
Read more ..... Many men harbor the natural desire to father a child. It becomes very distressing when a couple is unable to conceive, with no clear indication where the problem is. Men in fact are the sole contributory factors to problems with conception in about a third of the cases.
Read more ..... Over the recent past, there has been headlines about the global decline of male fertility. Scientific studies have tracked sperm quality over the years, confirming a worrying trend. The wider implications of this has undoubtedly caused some anxieties among couples. But what’s really happening? Many factors have been linked with this observation.
Read more ..... Love handles or thunder thighs? No matter what you lovingly call your body fat, you probably experience one or the other. That’s because most women tend to gain weight in one of two places: Our waists or our hips. But what does this mean for your overall health?
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