Loneliness is known to increase the sense of vulnerability, and triggers several mechanisms that have a role in the interplay between normality and disease.
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I have discussed several times in this column about the merits of good communication between you and your doctor. It must always be a balanced interaction. You give your story, and the doctor listens without interruption. The doctor then makes a judgment, and explains everything clearly. You both then enter a discussion phase where either side clarifies any unclear issues. Then you make a combined decision on treatment options. Period.
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Enough has already been said about the health benefits of keeping yourself physically active. But the indolent nature of modern lifestyle means that being reminded of the beneficial effects of physical exercises is always worth the effort.
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Delaying childbearing is now more common, with education and careers taking preference. Stable relationships appear to be increasingly difficult to establish as well, also contributing to delay in childbearing. The result of these changes is that more and more women start thinking about conceiving once they are already over the age of 30.A big positive is that older parents are more likely to be able to provide the financial needs required to raise a child.
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You play a big role in your own care during pregnancy. And that’s why your midwife or obstetrician will go into great lengths to educate you on what to expect during pregnancy. You get to know about common but innocent pregnancy symptoms. Equally, you get to be clear about certain symptoms that imply grave risks either to you or to the developing baby. Such symptoms always warrant immediate actions on your end, and are aptly described as danger signs.
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