Sweating is a natural phenomenon, mainly serving to keep us cool whenever our bodies detect a rise in core temperatures. But sweat is never pure water, it contains several components like trace minerals and even waste products like urea. What is excreted in sweat varies from individual to individual, depending on several factors that include prevailing state of health, body mass and much more.
Read more ..... You are right in getting concerned about the lack of periods at your age. Periods will normally start between the ages of 11 and 13 years. It is however not unusual for some girls to start earlier, and others later. The age of 16 is regarded as the latest when periods should have started.
Read more ..... Boys need special formal talk on sexuality. Back in my days, I got all the lessons from my grandfather. Including the art of seduction! With hindsight, most of the lessons are much deeper than any books I have come across.
Read more ..... Cellulite is a term used to describe the dimpled appearance of skin caused by fat deposits that are just below the surface of the skin. It generally appears on skin in the abdomen, lower limbs, and pelvic region, and it usually occurs after puberty.
Read more ..... With advancing age, there is a gradual decline in the female hormones which play a significant role in pelvic organ function. Thus prolapse symptoms are more common towards the menopause. Some women may have an inherent muscular weakness, though is rare. Lifestyle factors like obesity and smoking are also predisposing factors to pelvic prolapse.
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