Are you familiar with the phrase ‘’buy one get one free’’? This is a common marketing gimmick that entices consumers to purchase stuff that they didn’t really need in the first place. True, you’ll sometimes find an offer that turns out to be a good bargain, but that’s uncommon. You should always think twice before spending your money on offers that appear too good at face value. Healthcare isn’t spared of marketing gimmicks either.
Read more ..... You may have observed that friends tend to do similar things. Having a baby is no different. A recent study has shown that young women whose friends have had a baby are more likely to follow suit. Whereas such studies may not necessarily be applicable to your circumstances, being aware of social trends may sometimes impact on your choices.
Read more ..... The optimal fertility window for both women (and men) is narrow, and shrinks exponentially with advancing age. Pregnancies are best planned when fertility rates are highest, couples are in optimal health, and when chances of delivering a healthy baby are highest. Biologically, the optimal age bracket for the best fertility outcomes spans from the mid-20s to the mid-30s.
Read more ..... Ever heard of the saying that you cannot teach an old dog new tricks? Well, the meaning of the saying is self-explanatory. When people have been used to doing things in a particular way, they will not abandon their habits. With some coaxing, some will change their habits. But others will stand their ground, even when it’s evident that doing things differently is more valuable.
Read more ..... If you never get sick, and have found a way of maintaining optimal health longterm, you can get away with zero healthcare expenses. But that’s utopian and hardly achievable. Alternatively you can aim for a healthy lifestyle, combined with preventive measures that may end up minimizing visits to doctors, and accrue ample savings. All ordinary folk will however end up with healthcare expenses at some point. The trick is learning what to pay for, and how much. Or not paying anything at all.
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