Women’s health is intricately related to changing ovarian function. Estrogens, produced by the ovaries, have effects in almost all the body organs. Circulating levels of estrogens define women’s health and lifestyle, from puberty to the menopause.
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What goes round indeed comes around. This is much the case in Gynecology where it is entirely possible to care for a generation of families.
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Gynaecological practice stands out as one of the most intimate professional interactions between patients and doctors. A typical consultation involves discussions about sexual organs. Often, intimate questions arise about sexual activities, pregnancies, and contraception among others. Even more intimate is the Gynecological examination.
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Good medical care involves use of expensive equipment to aid diagnosis and treatment. Most of such equipment have long shelf lives, and are used on countless patients. Breakdowns are uncommon due to continued maintenance and skilled use. Equipment theft is almost unheard of due to size and security, but can seriously disrupt patient care.
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It is common place for patients to walk into a doctor’s office, give their story, get evaluated and then simply walk out with a prescription and a return appointment. No questions asked, after all the doctor knows what’s best for patients. Is that so? Think again. Whenever you seek healthcare, you should always have your own perspectives about what you want. Disease states can have very diverse outcomes, depending on how you look at it. There are universally desired outcomes, more desirable for looking at populations. And then, there are individually desired outcomes, better termed as patient-centred outcomes.
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