Ever heard of anybody who was disease-proof? That means an individual who never falls ill, never needs to go to hospitals, and lives long enough to reach their predetermined life expectancy. Disease-proof may be utopian, but you can take steps that could take you there. Good health is built every day, over the course of a lifetime, in the places we work, and learn, and play, and pray, and love, and live. Or it isn’t.
Read more ..... We have all heard of major work-place disasters that have claimed lives and maimed others for the rest of their days. Buildings have collapsed, ferries have sunk and umpteenth fires have all made horrid headlines at some point. Is it bad luck, negligence or purely an act of God that such ordeals are common place in our part of the world?
Read more ..... A recent and ongoing patient encounter that I have is very inspiring. She is a patient who has an acquired severe heart disease. She has been on follow-up in the heart clinic for over 7 years. Despite being discouraged from getting pregnant, she indeed presented with pregnancy at 7 weeks with features of the heart problem more aggravated into a stroke. She could not speak nor walk.
Read more ..... Ebola hemorrhagic fever (Ebola HF) is a severe, often-fatal disease in humans and non-human primates (monkeys and chimpanzees) that has appeared sporadically since its initial recognition in 1976.
Read more ..... Anyone who’s ever been admitted into a hospital room in Nairobi may harbour some misgivings. Even the most exclusive of rooms tend to be old fashioned and boring, with standard fittings and displays that hardly enhance care delivery. But all this is bound to change with demands to integrate modern technology into our sick beds. In 2050 and beyond, hospital rooms will be unrecognisable as we know them today. They will be the nicest ever, but hopefully most of us will never need to visit them.
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