A holistic approach to life is not just limited to eating and exercise habits. For those who believe in the unbreakable connection between the body, mind, and spirit, choosing a health care practitioner who is committed to viewing the body and its treatment holistically is essential. There is perhaps no area where this is more important that in women’s gynecological health.
Holistic gynecology utilizes natural remedies in conjunction with massage, meditation, acupuncture, biofeedback and nutrition to treat a variety of conditions. Instead of treating a particular disease, holistic gynecology takes each patient individually and seeks to restore the mental, physical, social, psychological and spiritual imbalances that may be resulting in conditions such as infertility, menopause, depression, insomnia, weight control, PMS, HPV and other conditions that could be affecting your health and wellness.
Patient care under holistic gynecology includes a thorough assessment of each individual patient’s lifestyle, health history, diet, occupation, exercise habits and family history. Diagnosis and treatment are developed on a one-to-one basis and take every aspect of a patient’s wellness into account. Through attentive and individualized advice and support, holistic practitioners cultivate personal relationships by listening to each patient’s needs and concerns and providing them with the information and tools to make informed decisions about their health and well-being.
A holistic approach to gynecological care combines lifestyle management (nutrition, exercise, stress management skills), herbal remedies, and hormones with services offered by other practitioners.
A lot of women of all ages suffer from various gynecological problems. Some women experience them once or twice in their lifetime, while others struggle continuously with recurring gynecological problems. Conventional medicine is more likely to prescribe heavily medicated solutions or even drastically surgical options to treat a variety of gynecological problems that could be addressed by a gentler holistic approach.
Many women come to rely on traditional quick fix solutions because they provide temporary relief and allow them to continue with everyday multitasking lifestyles. However, you can not completely cure any gynecological problem if you do not look at your body as a whole and not take charge of your own health and well-being. If what you have been doing all along to address your gynecological problems is not helping, perhaps it’s time to try something else.
What is the solution to your gynecological problems? What can you do today to cure your gynecological problems? If you have tried all traditional treatments and seem to still experience gynecological problems, it’s time to look into holistic gynecology in your area. Holistic gynecology is an alternative therapy based approach to address many common and not so common female problems like yeast overgrowth, irregular periods, heavy menstrual flow or unpleasant menopausal symptoms. Below we outline what herbal remedies or natural solutions holistic gynecology utilizes to control your gynecological problems without harsh side effects of synthetic medications.
Yeast infection, surprisingly, is one of the easiest gynecological problems to manage, however, women still spend hundreds of dollars annually on various creams, gels and medications that only temporary reduce vaginal yeast symptoms like redness, itching, burning and discomfort to see their symptoms come back again and again. Holistic gynecology looks at the root of the problem which is yeast overgrowth in the body and takes simple yet effective measures to address the issue which is your diet, immune defense and lifestyle.
Diet to help with vaginal yeast should limit all artificial and natural sugars including fruit, agave, honey and even starchy root vegetables. Yeast thrives on sugar, thus, by reducing sugar intake we can stop uncontrolled yeast overgrowth. Enrich your diet with wholesome and natural ingredients like organic vegetables, grass fed meats and fermented foods such as natural yogurt, kefir, natural pickles and olives. You can additionally supplement your natural diet with high quality probiotics that will help re-establish healthy gut flora in your body since 75% of your immune system lies in our intestines.
There are certain lifestyles changes that you need to undertake in order to control vaginal yeast. Skip thong underwear and wear only 100% cotton panties that will help provide moisture control throughout the day. During your period, skip tampons or perfumed sanitary products, these can additionally contribute to your yeast gynecological problems. Avoid washing your genital area with soaps, even special soaps might contain harsh ingredients can negatively affect the natural vaginal flora and trigger a bout of yeast infection. Warm water is all you need to keep yourself clean!
However, if you do experience annoying symptoms of vaginal yeast, there are some natural remedies that you can try to alleviate these symptoms. Some women swear by the healing properties of organic apple cider vinegar (ACV) that could added to warm water and used for washing the genital area. Natural compounds found in ACV have proven to control yeast overgrowth and re-establish healthy vaginal flora. In addition, taking certain herbal remedies has also been found helpful to stop yeast overgrowth such as garlic extract, oregano oil and grape seed extract.
Such gynecological problems as amenorrhea (lack of menstruation) and menorrhagia (heavy menstrual flow) are both caused by significant hormonal imbalance that requires a complex systemic approach and might take years to cure. While it’s difficult to treat these conditions, holistic gynecology offers multiple natural solutions to these complex problems. The main goal is to promote an overall well-being, eliminate stress, enhance diet with wholesome ingredients and remove toxins from everyday consumption including from household and beauty products. Surprisingly, certain preservatives commonly found in your laundry and dish detergents along with your face cream or shampoo have been scientifically proven to wreak havoc with endocrine systems leading to various health problems.
Estrogen dominance or simply too much estrogen in a female’s body is another huge contributing factor to irregular monthly cycles and even uterine fibroids. Estrogen is naturally produced by our bodies but, sadly, many women are getting extra estrogen from outside sources by consuming conventionally raised meats, birth control pills, cosmetics, plastic water bottles, pesticides in vegetables and the list goes on. All these factors coupled together eventually lead to a host of gynecological disorders and conditions.
In addition to dietary and lifestyle modifications, holistic gynecology recommends a number of herbal remedies that have been helping women with various gynecological problems for centuries, such as Siberian Ginseng for regulating menstrual cycle, Black Cohosh which is a powerful phytoestrogen that is commonly used even during menopause and Chaste berry for gynecological health support.
In instances of treating amenorrhea and menorrhagia, holistic practitioners also work on regulating patients’ body mass whether it’s under or over normal indexes. Severe overweight women along with severely underweight females can experience very similar symptoms caused by endocrine imbalances. Very often by regulating a patient’s diet and body mass, holistic specialists see a huge improvement in a patient’s condition. Stress is another contributor to irregular menstrual cycles that is also addressed by various relaxation techniques and acupuncture.
Take a fertility test todayA holistic approach to life is not just limited to eating and exercise habits. For those who believe in the unbreakable connection between the body, mind, and spirit, choosing a health care practitioner who is committed to viewing the body and its treatment holistically is essential. There is perhaps no area where this is more important that in women’s gynecological health.