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Innocent aches and pains in pregnancy

When pregnancy occurs, your body goes through various changes in order to accommodate the growing baby, leading to eventual birth.Virtually all your body functions make some adjustments. Some changes are hardly noticeable, while other changes will give you all kinds of symptoms.You are likely to get irritated by some symptoms, but most of them are just innocent and don’t usually require any specific actions..

Common innocent symptoms include fatigue, mild headaches, muscular cramps, joint pains, craving for certain foods and any others that you can come up with. All of these have simple explanations. High levels of hormones produced by the placenta account for many symptoms. Adjustments in your pelvic support structures account for most of the musculo-skeletal symptoms that can sometimes be quite a nuisance.For majority of the time, you aren’t really sick with some hideous ailment, it’s just the pregnancy, period.

All you need is a keen awareness about how your body changes during pregnancy. Once in the know, you can always find some coping strategies, or opt for simple remedies. Mild aches and pains can be eased off with simple painkillers like paracetamol, which are safe for use in pregnancy.

You don’t need a hospital visit, or even a prescription for a once off paracetamol tablet. Common relaxation techniques will help with all those unending cramps and general fatigue. It helps not to overdo stuff, you will not easily tolerate vigorous physical activity in pregnancy. Take it all in your stride, you can always catch up after you deliver.

But should you not always check with your midwife or obstetrician whenever even the simplest of symptoms crop up? If you can easily explain it, and it all seems to settle quickly, you can always wait to discuss things at your next scheduled appointment. If you however notice a persistence of symptoms, or a worsening situation despite reasonable remedies, then you must always get checked soonest possible.

You will already have been briefed about danger signs in pregnancy. These cannot be wished off, prompt medical intervention is usually required to assure continued safety for you and your unborn baby.

Make it your duty to be informed as much as possible during your pregnancy. Simple symptoms that keep cropping up will not bother you the least. Instead you will enjoy the pregnancy, being confident about the occurrence of innocent changes that you already expect.Check with your midwife or obstetrician if something beyond the ordinary appears, or if any doubt arises. Majority of the time, you can do without unnecessary calls or visits to your doctor’s office, saving you time and money.

Many unnecessary interventions in pregnancy can be avoided if common and innocent symptoms are treated as such. The more you understand, the better will be your decision making and choices during your pregnancy.

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When pregnancy occurs, your body goes through various changes in order to accommodate the growing baby, leading to eventual birth.

Virtually all your body functions make some adjustments. Some changes are hardly noticeable, while other changes will give you all kinds of symptoms.

You are likely to get irritated by some symptoms, but most of them are just innocent and don’t usually require any specific actions.

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