Select healthier foods this Christmas
December 16, 2015
Back to school, bright and healthy
January 11, 2016

Keep your reproductive health intact this Xmas

If you are keen on your health, it’s very likely you consult every now and again for various reasons. It may be with your regular gynecologist, or a family physician. Does it ever bother you sometimes that consultation charges can spiral out of control? At first glimpse, it may not seem relevant if you are paying a few thousands on staggered consultation visits.

Think of all the partying, with plenty of food and drink that will be at your disposal. What will you choose to eat and drink? You could go for the fat-laden and roasty stuff, and top it up with processed carbohydrates. Then wash it all down with fizzy sugary drinks, finally settling down to several rounds of alcoholic beverages.

That will certainly get you into the right mood for a party. But you will also get more than you bargained for. Those are the choices that will predispose you to diabetes, heart disease and some cancers, especially if you continue with the same eating habits beyond the festivities.

If you want to keep yourself onto the healthier path, eat plenty of plant stuff. You know what this is. Lots of greens, vegetables, salads, fruits, and complex carbohydrates. Wash it all down with fresh juices and water. You are allowed a bit of the unhealthy stuff, but make sure to only take little bits just to please your taste buds. The more disciplined you are about food choices, the more you keep away from chronic diseases.

Excessive partying is a good recipe for risky reproductive health behavior. Untamed drinking, coupled with the odd temptation to try some drugs will get you onto a regrettable path. Real risks for unsafe sex creep in, getting you onto the surest path for sexually transmitted infections including HIV. Many unwanted pregnancies happen during festive periods, with consequent risks of unsafe abortions.

If your partying leads you to an erotic direction, make sure to have some condoms handy. If not on long-term contraception, remember you could always get emergency contraception. Any other way is just too risky for your reproductive health.

Remember to burn all your excesses with some exercises. Doesn’t have to be anything fancy. A brisk walk round the neighborhood will do. Or a light jog, or even some make-do physical activities right where your partying will be. If you can sustain this beyond the festivities the better. It will get you a long way into reducing health risks associated with sedentary lifestyles.

Don’t let any festivities wipe out your memory about preventive reproductive health initiatives. It’s a good time to talk to your teens about sexual health, and get them vaccinated against HPV. Don’t forget your own schedule for health screening, like routine pap smears and mammograms. If pregnant, don’t forget all the dos and don’ts. Party all you want this festive season, with your reproductive health in mind. Merry Christmas.

Take a fertility test today

Christmas is just around the corner. It will be merry-making for many, with plenty of other chores either forgotten or pushed aside. You could choose to let everything else pass, but keep your health as part of the agenda.

Being health conscious as you go through the festivities deliberately gets you onto healthier choices.

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