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Maintain your health this festive season

The December holiday season is upon us once again. The coming few weeks will be full of food and drink, some of it predisposing us to the attendant perils of over-indulgence. Anything you eat and drink may come back to haunt you.

But don’t let the preoccupation with health ruin the good times. You can let your guard down and enjoy it, after all it comes along after eleven long months.

It’s not what you are going to take down your throat now that matters most. Instead, it’s what you have eaten and drank over the whole year that makes the difference. And that’s what you are going to watch starting this festive season.

By now, you should already have developed a routine of eating and drinking healthily over most of the year. You know the foods to choose, the ones to take just occasionally, and the ones to avoid. You are also well aware of healthy drinks, and ones that harbor lots of bad calories and are best taken in moderation.c hardly needs reminding, and so is the use of other illicit substances.We all know what is healthy. Choosing the healthier path throughout the year lays the ground for an effortless indulgence with the right stuff over the merry season.

It’s not just food, physical activity comes in as well. Being physically active the whole year round is good for the body and soul. You get to constantly burn those excessive calories over a long period of time. Your cardiovascular health remains in top shape, and risks of other diseases like diabetes drop to the floor. Good on you, no worries then if you fill your festive plates with some simmering and sweet stuff. It will soon be offloaded over another few weeks with your continued routine of physical activity.

Holidays were always meant to be special times. And we should keep them that way. We shouldn’t spoil them by being overly cautious of bad habits developed over the years. We overeat every day, then make this even worse by indulging in all the crappy stuff during the holidays. Most of us hardly get any physical activities beyond moving thumbs over a keyboard and staring at a screen. Come the holiday season, we sink deeper into our couches with inactivity, all topped up with more food and drink. We can enjoy it better by maintaining a yearlong foundation of good healthy habits.

Eat what’s good for you this holiday season. And drink lots of good stuff, taking care to limit your intake of unhealthy drinks. Don’t smoke. Avoid reckless behavior, like drink driving or unprotected casual sex. If you have been unhealthy throughout the year, make this holiday season your starting point for better health. Above all enjoy yourself, it doesn’t last too long. Happy holidays.

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The December holiday season is upon us once again. The coming few weeks will be full of food and drink, some of it predisposing us to the attendant perils of over-indulgence. Anything you eat and drink may come back to haunt you.

But don’t let the preoccupation with health ruin the good times. You can let your guard down and enjoy it, after all it comes along after eleven long months.

It’s not what you are going to take down your throat now that matters most. Instead, it’s what you have eaten and drank over the whole year that makes the difference. And that’s what you are going to watch starting this festive season.

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