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New Year health resolutions that count

It’s now only days into the New Year 2019. As a tradition, many individuals review the past year’s events, and come up with a list of resolutions for the coming year. Towards the top of that list should be a firm resolution to lead a healthier life.

Make a resolution to attain and maintain a normal body mass index (BMI). BMI is a computation of weight and height, and is directly related to many disease conditions. BMI calculators are freely available in many health facilities or online, individuals just need to input their height and weight to come up with their BMI. The ideal BMI is between 19 and 25. The higher the BMI, the more the risks of cardiovascular disease and adult onset diabetes. Women with high BMIs are less likely to ovulate regularly, meaning potential problems with fertility. There are also more pregnancy complications with high BMIs and increased risks of cancer of the lining of the womb.

Women’s screening tests for early detection of cancers and other diseases have been proven to save lives. Resolve to keep all screening tests up to date. Pap smears and mammograms, that detect cervical and breast cancer respectively, have specific screening intervals which are best adhered to. Your Gynecologist may recommend other non-routine screening tests depending on your specific circumstances.

As women (and even men) grow older, fertility potential declines. This is more so after the age of 35. If approaching this age and you harbour desires for a family, you may choose to make a specific resolution in this respect. Timings for starting a family often conflict with career and other social plans. If the timing for such a resolution is not ideal, you could always discuss fertility preservation options with a Fertility Specialist. This may give some future options when the timing is right. If already pregnant, resolve to keep all your antenatal care appointments.

If you happen to have any on-going Gynecological disease, make a resolution to get to the bottom of it. Many Gynecological diseases can be controlled with conservative measures, while others may need more intensive interventions like surgery or long term medication. Resolve to seek out the best health facility, and the most qualified Gynecologist you can afford to consult. Seek second opinions if necessary.

This list cannot be exhaustive. Other general health resolutions include stopping smoking, reducing alcohol intake, limiting use of recreational drugs and practicing safe sex. You can resolve to be in command of your health, or just allow yourself to drift with the current. Be healthier in 2019.

Take a fertility test today

It’s now only days into the New Year 2019. As a tradition, many individuals review the past year’s events, and come up with a list of resolutions for the coming year. Towards the top of that list should be a firm resolution to lead a healthier life.

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