Permanent contraception is also referred to as sterilization. As the name implies, it is a permanent form of birth control. It is suitable for couples who harbor no future desires for more children, and is also recommended in individuals with certain medical conditions where pregnancy is ill advised
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The end of pregnancy cannot come sooner for many women. The initial excitement of carrying a pregnancy starts to wane off towards the last few weeks. Carrying the extra weight causes unending fatigue, and ordinary activities are further limited by more pronounced bodily changes towards the final weeks. And the expectation of seeing the long awaited baby adds to the desire of seeing the end of the pregnancy.
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Adolescence is the transition between childhood and adulthood. The age interval is between 10 to 24 years, spanning through puberty and teenage. It is one of the most dynamic stages of human growth and development, second only to infancy in the rate of developmental changes that take place.
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In days gone by, hospital admissions for various reproductive health problems was the norm. But in the last few decades, women’s healthcare has changed so much that reasons for admitting women in hospitals are becoming less and less. Many problems can now be addressed in an outpatient setting, so called ambulatory or day care.Ambulatory care is consultation, treatment, or intervention using advanced medical technology delivered on an outpatient basis. The patient's stay at the health facility, from registration to discharge, occurs on a single calendar day
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Delaying childbearing is now more common, with education and careers taking preference. Stable relationships appear to be increasingly difficult to establish as well, also contributing to delay in childbearing. The result of these changes is that more and more women start thinking about conceiving once they are already over the age of 30.A big positive is that older parents are more likely to be able to provide the financial needs required to raise a child.
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Web Resources

Knowledge for health

International Women's Day

Reproductive Health Library
