Permanent contraception is also referred to as sterilization. As the name implies, it is a permanent form of birth control. It is suitable for couples who harbor no future desires for more children, and is also recommended in individuals with certain medical conditions where pregnancy is ill advised
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Pregnancy is a natural phenomenon. About 80% of pregnancies are usually uncomplicated, while the other 20% may encounter serious problems requiring special attention. But there are so many aches and pains that arise during pregnancy, sometimes making it difficult for couples to decide when it is necessary to see their Obstetrician or midwife.
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Ultrasound scans in pregnancy have become almost routine as part of antenatal care. Affordability and availability also continue to improve. Ultrasound scanning technology has evolved over time, and 2D imaging is slowly being overtaken by 3D and 4D imaging. Fetal images obtained with modern machines are so real that a blur now exists between scanning for medical reasons, and purely as a fad.
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The end of pregnancy cannot come sooner for many women. The initial excitement of carrying a pregnancy starts to wane off towards the last few weeks. Carrying the extra weight causes unending fatigue, and ordinary activities are further limited by more pronounced bodily changes towards the final weeks. And the expectation of seeing the long awaited baby adds to the desire of seeing the end of the pregnancy.
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Menopause occurs when menstrual periods stop due to natural ovarian ageing. The average age of natural menopause is 51 years. When menopause comes early before the age of 40, this is termed as premature menopause or premature ovarian failure (POF).There is decreased activity in the ovaries, with little or no production of the female hormone estrogens.
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