Key decisions surrounding labor and delivery should be made well in advance during the antenatal period. It is important to realize that labor and delivery is usually a team effort. You play the main role, with collective supervision between midwives and obstetricians. Neither must be deemed to have a lesser role.
Read more ..... In most airports, passengers walk through metal detectors, which use a low-frequency electromagnetic field to look for weapons. Anything that generates or uses electricity, such as power lines or household appliances, produces an electromagnetic field. At the low levels a metal detector emits, this exposure is considered safe for everyone, including pregnant women. (The same holds true for the wands that security personnel sometimes pass over individual passengers.)
Read more ..... The cause of PCOS is not known, but sometimes runs in families. The symptoms are related to abnormal hormone production (hence the term hormone imbalance). The diagnosis is made following typical symptoms, hormone tests and ultrasound imaging of the ovaries.
Read more ..... Advances in communication technology have revolutionized health care delivery. Physical consultations are no longer absolutely necessary for many conditions, being replaced by virtual consultations. Virtual care allows women take charge of their own health, anytime anywhere.
Read more ..... Angela and Michael watched with joy as their second child sucked its thumb and kicked up its toes. Their delight was however, tempered with some disappointment as they could not completely see their baby’s face.
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