Modern working environments are full of deliverables and deadlines, and many people struggle to fit it all into a typical eight-hour working day. Working smart doesn’t always get you an hour or so to spare. If you aren’t too careful, you may find yourself slipping down the path of workaholics. That means a struggle to fit in gym time, quiet relaxation moments, or even time for an unhurried healthy meal. You’d be losing in matters of health if all you did is work, work, and more work. You can let everything else slip, but you must dedicate time for health in any typical working day.
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The main reason for contraceptive use is to prevent unintended or ill-timed pregnancies. This in turn reduces the need for unsafe abortions, especially in countries where this is illegal. But contraceptive use does much more than just prevent pregnancies, added health benefits have been observed since the 1960s.
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Gynecological health screening has been proven to prevent certain cancers and other serious diseases. . Often questions arise about when to commence screening, frequency of screening visits, what to be screened for and when to stop.
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Women’s health is intricately related to changing ovarian function. Estrogens, produced by the ovaries, have effects in almost all the body organs. Circulating levels of estrogens define women’s health and lifestyle, from puberty to the menopause.
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Endometriosis (say "en-doh-mee-tree-OH-sus") is a problem many women have during their childbearing years. It means that a type of tissue that lines your uterus is also growing outside your uterus. This does not always cause symptoms. And it usually is not dangerous. But it can cause pain and other problems.
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