The cost of women’s health care has been rising over the years. This spans the whole spectrum of care ranging from basic outpatient consultations to hospital admissions.
Read more ..... You may have observed that friends tend to do similar things. Having a baby is no different. A recent study has shown that young women whose friends have had a baby are more likely to follow suit. Whereas such studies may not necessarily be applicable to your circumstances, being aware of social trends may sometimes impact on your choices.
Read more ..... The optimal fertility window for both women (and men) is narrow, and shrinks exponentially with advancing age. Pregnancies are best planned when fertility rates are highest, couples are in optimal health, and when chances of delivering a healthy baby are highest. Biologically, the optimal age bracket for the best fertility outcomes spans from the mid-20s to the mid-30s.
Read more ..... The current crop of teenagers are more tech savvy than ever before. They will not survive without smart phones, tablets and other fancy gadgets that are all useful tools for the modern world.
Read more ..... Periods in teenagers are very variable in terms of the amount of bleeding and pain. Luckily, most teenagers experiencing heavy and painful periods will only have such symptoms for only a short period of their reproductive life. The symptoms tend to settle down spontaneously in most cases, without any specific intervention.
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