The debate about the merits and demerits of the famous Mututho laws on drinking is not about to end. There will always be a counter-argument. It matters little who puts in a better reasoned point of view, the issue at hand is our long term health in the face of alcoholism.
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It’s not unusual to find doctors in their 7th or 8th decades still running busy clinical practices. But questions often arise about the quality of medical care provided by increasingly older doctors.
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It’s now only days into the New Year 2019. As a tradition, many individuals review the past year’s events, and come up with a list of resolutions for the coming year. Towards the top of that list should be a firm resolution to lead a healthier life.
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Exposure to infectious diseases should generally be avoided if at all possible. This is more so in pregnancy as infectious diseases may pose complications both to the mother and her unborn baby. Chickenpox is one such infection, pregnant mothers should as much as possible avoid contact with anybody infected with chickenpox.
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The city of Nairobi has been growing exponentially since independence. The population has grown from about 350,000 in 1963 to over 3 million today. Vehicular numbers have steadily increased too, with Nairobi estimated to host about 30% of all vehicles registered in Kenya. The transport infrastructure has not kept the same pace of growth, hence the choking traffic congestion in the city.
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