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Reproductive healthcare is very much akin to any other service provision industry. There are quality standards to be met, equally balanced by service provision targets. Sometimes things fall short, and you may find yourself on the aggrieved end. Dealing with human life demands much more than a casual approach to
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Your unborn baby is usually surrounded by fluid, commonly known as ‘waters’. The waters are contained in a sac medically called membranes. Normally, the waters break shortly before or during labor. If this happens at less than 37 weeks of pregnancy before labor ensues, it is referred to as preterm
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The world ranking for the care of the elderly is just hot off the press. The elderly population, geriatrics in medical terms, is not as much in Kenya as in developed countries. Kenya is estimated to have about 1.8 million people over the age of 60 years. But our life expectancy
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In years gone by, doctors were instantly recognizable. Almost each one of them wore white coats and smart attire. Male doctors were inevitably clad with ties, long sleeves and well-polished leather shoes. And so too was the case with lady doctors, crisp business suits and well-healed formal footwear. Many would
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What we Offer

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A unique behind the scenes perspective on the day to day encounters experienced in a busy Gynecological practice.

Fertility Clinic

Dr Murage is available for fertility consultations at Harley Street Fertility Centre, OiLibya Plaza, Muthaiga Rd, Nairobi.

Women’s Healthcare

MyGyno team is available for consultations on the full range of Women’s Health.

Treatment Success Rates

This tool helps predict the likelihood of success with fertility treatment. Please remember that these tools are just a guidance
