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Many first time mothers-to-be have genuine concerns about delivery. The ready availability, of sometimes very subjective advice, from all sorts of people doesn’t help the situation. You may get even more confused if clarity on the situation isn’t really forthcoming from your antenatal care provider.
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Many women have some initial anxieties about the use of contraceptives. Most of such anxieties are however based on inadequate information, or even from biased anecdotes. The safety of reversible contraceptives is not in question. Not only do they prevent unwanted pregnancies, but contraceptives are also linked to a multitude
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You need to cross-check your prevailing health status, and ensure you are in optimal health as you embark on getting pregnant. That means being up to date with all recommended health screening tests. Such screening includes sexual health screening, cervical cancer screening and any other relevant screening tests individualized to
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Reading material within bathrooms may facilitate the transmission of nasty intestinal bugs from one individual to another. But some studies suggest that this risk is exaggerated
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A unique behind the scenes perspective on the day to day encounters experienced in a busy Gynecological practice.

Fertility Clinic

Dr Murage is available for fertility consultations at Harley Street Fertility Centre, OiLibya Plaza, Muthaiga Rd, Nairobi.

Women’s Healthcare

MyGyno team is available for consultations on the full range of Women’s Health.

Treatment Success Rates

This tool helps predict the likelihood of success with fertility treatment. Please remember that these tools are just a guidance
