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The tying of fallopian tubes is commonly referred to as Bilateral Tubal Ligation (BTL). It is a permanent method of contraception, and should always be taken as such. Once the procedure has been done correctly, the chance of spontaneous conception is almost nil. A problem arises when a change of
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The ultimate aim of pre-pregnancy care is to optimize outcomes, both for the parents and the unborn child. You see, there are many reproductive health matters that have the potential to affect pregnancy outcomes. It is also not unusual to harbor some health conditions that may not give any symptoms,
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The transition into puberty requires a lot of education. This is the only way teenage girls will know what to expect, and how to react. If your teen is well prepared about having periods
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I constantly get confidential electronic consults from adolescents when they find themselves faced with unexpected health issues. The range of enquiries is varied, with trivial concerns at times, but very serious health matters at certain points. Each encounter usually ends up with specific advice,
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What we Offer

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A unique behind the scenes perspective on the day to day encounters experienced in a busy Gynecological practice.

Fertility Clinic

Dr Murage is available for fertility consultations at Harley Street Fertility Centre, OiLibya Plaza, Muthaiga Rd, Nairobi.

Women’s Healthcare

MyGyno team is available for consultations on the full range of Women’s Health.

Treatment Success Rates

This tool helps predict the likelihood of success with fertility treatment. Please remember that these tools are just a guidance
